Thursday, April 29, 2010
Finger hover tracking on touchscreens
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
3D Camera

Alright I found this just recently, since everyone seems to have been grasped by the "Avatar" movie in 3D and other movies such as "Clash of the Titans" and "how to train your Dragon", the question was not far off. When will the average Joe be able to film something in 3D?!
It's not a trade that we'd ever willingly make -- dropping to standard definition for the sake of some 3D shenanigans, but DXG is offering you the choice anyway. The budget cam maker has just announced its 3D View stereoscopic shooter, which interestingly comes with a separate 7-inch LCD display (800 x 480 resolution) for playing back your recorded footage without requiring glasses -- thanks to some parallax barrier magic. We might be tempted to spend the $400 this package costs just to get a preview of what the Nintendo 3DS -- based on the same spectacle-free technique -- might look like, but retail availability isn't expected until June, which is just that tiny bit too far out for our limited attention span.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Mosquito laser gun offers new hope on malaria!
American scientists are making a ray gun to kill mosquitoes. Using technology developed under the Star Wars anti-missile programme, the zapper is being built in Seattle where astrophysicists have created a laser that locks onto airborne insects.
Scientists have speculated for years that lasers might be used against mosquitoes, which kill nearly 1m people a year through malaria.
The laser a (WMD) weapon of mosquito destruction – has been designed with the help of Lowell Wood, one of the astrophysicists who worked on the original Star Wars plan to shield America from nuclear attack.
“We like to think back then we made some contribution to the ending of the cold war,” Dr Jordin Kare, another astrophysicist, told The Wall Street Journal. “Now we’re just trying to make a dent in a war that’s claimed a lot more lives.” The WMD laser works by detecting the audio frequency created by the beating of mosquito wings. A computer triggers the laser beam, the mosquito’s wings are burnt off and its smoking carcass falls to the ground. The research is backed by Bill Gates, the Microsoft billionaire.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
3D web2.0
Meez combines avatars and games within a virtual world, creating an environment where users can personalize their identity, connect with friends, socialize, and share media.
GOO3D lets anyone create and display 3D models on a standard web browser
3. Voyage : 3D RSS reader
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Rolly by Sony - Make your Music Move!

Closer to your music Rolly™ is a new dimension in MP3 players that brings you closer to your favourite music. Shake it and twist it to choose your tracks. Watch it respond to the beat with funky moves and crazy light shows. And when darkness falls, be prepared for an even more spectacular performance.
Make your own moves Choreography Software provided by Sony makes it easy to make your own moves with Rolly apart from the default ones. Making your own dance moves with the supplied software couldn’t be easier. Just click and drag to add motion and tempo. With the digital playback option you can easily see the results on the screen.
More than moves With over 700 possible variations, the light effects are a feature in their own right. You can add and preview just like you can with the dance moves, so get mixing and matching for another dimension in music experience.
Its not all work It’s not all work. If you just want to upload your favourite track and watch Rolly™ perform, you can. At the click of a button it will improvise and take over the dancing. All you have to do is sit back and watch.